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Voyage of Shamayim Rose Gallery in April, 2012 - Paris, Monaco, to London -
En faisant un voyage en Avril, 2012, Shamayim Rose Gallery à Paris, Monaco, et à Londrtes
avec Madame Françoise à l'hôtel Ritz
In Paris we had met up with Mrs. François elegant, charming and distinguished Councilor of The Court of Cassation, and her husband Lai KAMARA . They invited us to their gorgeous apartment in which we demonstrated typical Japanese tea ceremony. Thanks to the s, we really enjoyed ourselves appreciating the rosy esprit of Paris.

Our short flight, after leaving Paris, had given us an unforgettable moment to enjoy a package of a fantastic view of Alps and the beautifully sapphire-colored view over the Bay of Angels. From the Nice international airport, we took tourist bus going up and down along the sea cliffs to Monaco, and where we figured out visually real esthetic view of contrast between light and darkness over the gradient town illuminated by the sun, and where we can appreciate the charm of sapphire-colored graduation between the Mediterranean Sea and skyline. Needless to say, we could enjoy our sojourns in Nice, Monaco. De pro pri・o mo・tu.

In London, an impeccable service refined by the very prestigious tradition of England welcomed us sincerely. Thanks to every staff who had given us hospitality, we really had spent a memorable moment of our voyage at The Hotel London Ritz.

At the very rosy season of May, we wish from the depth of our mind that all the countries would be prosperous than ever. We can not find any word to express our appreciation to all the people whom we had met during our voyage.

Shamayim Rose Gallery by Atsuko Furukawa
à l'hôtel Ritz, Paris
la cérémonie du thé japonaise à Paris
à Nice, Côte d'Azur!
Palais de I’Elysée
Le restaurant,
en relation avec la marquise de Pompadour
à la maison
Au dessert Quel plaisir pour les yeux!
In front of kensington Palace
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